Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ni Made Anggita Purnamasari

Hi, This is Anggie, my second children. These are her autobiography.
Name, Anggie.
Born, 23rd November 1999, (9 years old)
Hobbies, Dancing & Singing
On 23 Feb, 2008 She has have the first Balinese Dancing performance with a live traditional music. It was a great day for her. She will never forget it. Anggie began to learn a balinese dancing from 3 years ago.
These are the Dancing list :
- Panyembrama.
- Puspawresti.
- Rejang.
- Margapati.
The Photo Gallery :

Balinese Children

This Blog will be present to Balinese people who loved their children and let them fly to know the world.